Archives: May 2023
Pregnancy Considerations After Bariatric Surgery
Some of the most heart-wrenching stories from our patients come from their struggles trying to get pregnant. Obesity and its related diseases often cause years or even decades of trying to have a child without luck. On the flip side, one of the most gratifying parts of our jobs is seeing bariatric patients who have lost weight and regained the ability to have children. These bariatric babies, as we call them, are incredible to behold and truly make our jobs worthwhile, even on the toughest of days.
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Fats: To Eat or Not to Eat
We get a lot of mixed messages when it comes to fat consumption. Eat it, don’t eat it. We overeat; we don’t eat enough. Eat the excellent fat but pass on the bad fat…well, what is it? Should we eat fat, and if so, what kind is ok to eat and what fat should be avoided?
There are essentially two kinds of fat that you’ll find in most foods these days: Known as unsaturated and saturated fat. Trans fats have largely been eliminated from foods in the US.
You want to eat unsaturated fats –good fats – because they can help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. You’ll want to avoid the bad fats because they do just the opposite. Easier said than done? Yes, but not if you know what foods to avoid and what foods to consume – in moderation.