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The Most Effective Weight Loss Options for Every BMI

Scale and healthy fruits and vegetable lying on pink backdrop

Most of us have been looking for sustainable, long-term weight loss for much of our adult lives. But the best way to approach this goal can vary depending on your body mass index or BMI. BMI is arguably an outdated but ultimately useful measure of body fat based on a ratio between height and weight. It categorizes people into different weight ranges from underweight to obese. While it is not a completely accurate model, it does help as a relative measure. The most effective weight loss options for a particular individual can differ depending on the starting BMI, ranging from losing a little weight to losing hundreds of pounds. Let’s explore our patients’ various weight loss options at different BMI strata.

For individuals with a BMI in the normal range (18.5-24.9), losing a little weight may be the ultimate goal. In this case, the focus should be on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, consuming a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Portion control and mindful eating can also be beneficial. Regular physical activity, such as brisk walking, cycling, or swimming, can help burn calories and maintain a healthy weight. Some strength training is also important at these levels. Weightlifting or resistance exercises build muscles that burn calories at rest.

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Need to Know: Ozempic, Wegovy & Mounjaro for Weight Loss

Diabetes shots lying next to face mask

As a leading weight loss surgery practice, many patients with varying degrees of obesity visit us to understand more about their weight loss options beyond diet and exercise. Most patients have tried many options to improve their health and reduce their weight with little success. They are typically frustrated and looking for a more permanent solution. Bariatric surgery has traditionally been one of the few options for patients looking to lose significant weight over the long term when other options have not proven successful. Today, however, many patients have heard of and are exploring diabetes management (Ozempic® & MounjaroTM) and weight loss (Wegovy®) drugs that have taken over the news headlines.

You will have heard of the diabetes drug Ozempic, which has been on the market since 2017. While this drug is indicated for diabetes management, it has also shown exceptional effectiveness as a weight loss catalyst. It has recently been prescribed off-label to such a degree that we now have worldwide shortages. The same drug manufacturer also applied for and was ultimately approved to sell a higher dosage version of Ozempic known as Wegovy as a weight loss drug for qualifying patients 12 and older with obesity. Patients on Wegovy have seen upwards of a 15% reduction in total body weight. Because of this, these drugs have been featured in news and lifestyle articles across the Internet and in print.

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How Long Do Hemorrhoids Last?

Toilet paper and hemorrhoid medicine scattered

Hemorrhoids, or piles, can be uncomfortable and even debilitating for many patients. We all have veins in the anus that allow for proper bowel movements. However, when these veins become inflamed, they become itchy and painful for various reasons.

Many cases of hemorrhoids can be treated at home with topical creams like Preparation H. Sitz baths can also help with the discomfort and promote healing. These treatments soothe the anus and mitigate itching as the body recovers. However, many patients wonder how long it will take to eliminate the hemorrhoids and regain their normal function.

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How to Stick To Your Bariatric Diet if You’re Traveling This Summer

Woman in hiking outfit staring at mountains

Planning is one of the most crucial components of success after bariatric surgery. Setting expectations, planning meals, and ultimately being deliberate about what you do and when you do, it is often the difference between good and excellent results. However, virtually every bariatric patient will attest to being thrown for a loop when their routine changes. Staying on track is far more complex when removed from a familiar environment. So, what do we do when we are away from home, especially on vacation? With so many of us traveling this summer, we must also apply our routines and good habits to our travels.

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Pregnancy Considerations After Bariatric Surgery

Positive prergnancy test lying on top of an ultrasound image

Some of the most heart-wrenching stories from our patients come from their struggles trying to get pregnant. Obesity and its related diseases often cause years or even decades of trying to have a child without luck. On the flip side, one of the most gratifying parts of our jobs is seeing bariatric patients who have lost weight and regained the ability to have children. These bariatric babies, as we call them, are incredible to behold and truly make our jobs worthwhile, even on the toughest of days.

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Fats: To Eat or Not to Eat

Array of healthy fats on plate

We get a lot of mixed messages when it comes to fat consumption. Eat it, don’t eat it. We overeat; we don’t eat enough. Eat the excellent fat but pass on the bad fat…well, what is it? Should we eat fat, and if so, what kind is ok to eat and what fat should be avoided?
There are essentially two kinds of fat that you’ll find in most foods these days: Known as unsaturated and saturated fat. Trans fats have largely been eliminated from foods in the US.

You want to eat unsaturated fats –good fats – because they can help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. You’ll want to avoid the bad fats because they do just the opposite. Easier said than done? Yes, but not if you know what foods to avoid and what foods to consume – in moderation.

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Sleep Series Part 2: How Excess Weight Can Cause Poor Sleep

man sleeping behind alarm clock on night stand

You’ve turned the lights off, put the phone away, bought a white noise machine, stopped eating before bed, and turned the A/C down. So why are you still struggling to sleep? The answer may be in the mirror. As much as it hurts to hear, your body may be trying to tell you it’s not as healthy as it needs to be to get a good night’s sleep. Below, we talk about how excess weight can hurt your sleeping habits.

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How to Avoid the Exercise Blues

friends working out at the gym together, hi-fiving

Let’s be honest. For most people, exercise is not the most fun activity. Sitting on a stationary bike or running on a treadmill in a gym for an hour isn’t that appealing. However, exercise doesn’t have to be boring, and addressing the monotony of what you’re told to do by countless online influencers can go a long way toward staying on track.

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Do You Have “Responsibilities” after Weight Loss Surgery

Woman eating bowl of salad after bariatric surgery

Many potential bariatric patients erroneously think that bariatric surgery is a magic bullet and that the procedure alone will correct their excess weight and obesity-related health problems. Patients who go into the surgical process thinking that all their issues will be handled in one fall swoop are unknowingly perpetuating the stigma that we try to fight – that bariatric surgery is the easy way out. Let’s talk about why patients may believe that surgery will resolve all their issues. The reason for this is simple:

About 90% of obese patients who try to lose weight through diet and exercise alone fail to do so. They may lose 50 or even 100 pounds, but in time that weight often returns, and they can sometimes gain even more. On the other hand, patients who have bariatric surgery see the flip side of those results. About 90% of patients can maintain significant weight loss over the long term. It must be the surgery, therefore, right? Not exactly.

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