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Archives: January 2022

Does a Peloton Make Sense for Bariatric Patients?

Stationary bikes like the Peloton might be a good option for bariatric surgery patients to get more active according to MASJax in Jacksonville

There’s no doubt that we, as humans, look for the next great diet or exercise solution. In fact, just judging by the size of the diet and exercise industry in the United States, we probably think about it a lot more than we even realize. So, when a novel product comes on the market, there’s a whole lot of excitement around it. Case in point is the Peloton bike. Marketed as a premium spinning bike, it also offers a subscription-based series of classes that can be taken on demand. But does a Peloton make sense for a bariatric surgery patient?

Before delving into this question, it is important to remember that you need to speak to your bariatric surgeon before starting any new exercise program. You should also remember that in the six to eight weeks after bariatric surgery, you will want to exercise, but you will not want to overdo it. As such, if a Peloton bike is in your sights, you should only start it once you have been cleared by your bariatric team.

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Five Food Substitutions You Can Start Tomorrow

Balanced packed lunch and water flavored with citrus are easy swaps for a healthier day according to weight loss doctors at MASJax in Jacksonville

Sometimes we are under the impression that to gain success in weight loss and better health one must make some drastic changes. After all, we didn’t get into this position by having an extra carrot stick or two or over-indulging in green smoothies. We likely got into a routine and never managed to, or wanted to, find our way out. But what if I told you that getting out of those weeds can be as easy as the way we got in?

One thing nutritionists and trainers always seem to stress is that the place you are in now was not an overnight detour. Choices were made and, in truth, that is the only way to get right back on the path. But you don’t jump from the middle of the forest to the path. You find a clearing until you find another clearing and eventually these pathways lead you to certainty and safety.

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