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Does Rebounding Have Benefits After Bariatric Surgery?

After Weight Loss Surgery

In THis Post

Woman in socks rebounding on blue yoga mat

I’m bouncing up and down in my living room as I dictate this article because rebounding is a simple and, to me, new way of getting some good exercise without the effort of going to the gym or on a long walk. So, let’s talk about what rebounding is – and no, we’re not talking about relationships – and how it could be helpful to you.

Rebounding is simply bouncing up and down at a semi-fast pace, giving your body just a small low-impact jolt on every downward motion. Many people do this on a rebounding trampoline, but I prefer it without a trampoline, as it gives me, and possibly you, as a bariatric patient, a little more control over how you jump.

What Are the Benefits of Rebounding?

The concept of rebounding is exciting because it’s something I can do at home or work. I can modify the exercise based on my feelings; it doesn’t require a gym membership or any special equipment. Beyond that, there are a few possible benefits.

Better Balance and Foot Strength

With the up-and-down motion, your body is forced to balance itself while the pressure on your feet strengthens them. This leg-strengthening exercise can reduce the risk of falls and osteoporosis, especially in middle-aged and older patients.

Less Impact

In the early days, running or jumping rope may be challenging. These are excellent but higher-impact exercises. Rebounding can offer similar benefits with less pressure on the joints. Eventually, after rebounding for a while, you may consider jump roping and even using a weighted jump rope to work on your arm strength.

Stress Relief

Just about any exercise relieves stress, but bouncing up and down is remarkably calming. If you’re stressed, you can do this in a quiet corner at work or home. It’s a great way to balance your emotions when and where needed.

Food Movement

You may see claims that rebounding improves food motility through the digestive system. This may or may not be accurate. You shouldn’t count on more regular G.I. functions solely due to rebounding. But, a proper diet combined with exercise can improve digestion and any G.I. issues you may be experiencing.

Is Rebounding Right for You?

Don’t Rebound Too Soon

As with any exercise, rebound only once your bariatric surgeon has cleared you. Rebounding does place some stress on your internal organs, including your stomach, and you wouldn’t want to have any complications from the upward and downward motion, no matter how low the impact. Typically, you can consider bouncing about 8 to 12 weeks after surgery. As with any exercise, make sure it does not hurt. You may also find that in the beginning, you may feel uncomfortable because of the excess abdominal weight. You can modify the rebound such that your heels don’t come as high off the ground, and the motion is lessened.

How Much Should You Rebound?

Again, this depends on how you feel and how amenable your body is to this new exercise. You’ll likely have to start with a slight heel raise on each bounce for a minute or two. A day later, we can raise the heels higher and eventually even come off the ground with the balls of our feet. Be mindful that excess weight puts a lot of strain on the muscles, tendons, and joints. Try to ramp up slowly so you don’t injure yourself. As you get used to this great leg workout, you can perform it more often for longer.

Where You Should Rebound

The beauty of this exercise is that you can do it virtually anywhere—inside or outside, at the office, in the gym, or at home. The most crucial factor is cushioning. I suggest finding a nice, thick, padded carpet area and rebound on it. If you are rebounding on a solid floor or outside, a good pair of sneakers, just as if you were running, is also very important.

Warm Up as You Would Otherwise

Rebounding is exercise, and just like any other exercise, you must warm up appropriately to minimize the risk of pulling a muscle or worse; a warm-up can be a short walk, followed by some stretching and then diving into your rebounding exercise. A cooldown is also essential to ensure your muscles get the proper rest. If you are sore after a rebounding session, let your muscles relax and choose a different exercise that day. You can bathe with Epsom salts to speed up the healing process. Soreness after a workout is not bad, but it is your body’s way of saying “no more!”

Proceed With Caution if You Have Osteoarthritis

Patients with degraded joints due to osteoarthritis may need to wait until they lose a bit more weight before they start rebounding. For some, rebounding will not be appropriate, and other lower-impact exercises should be pursued.

So, that’s my take on rebounding. I hope it was helpful. Of course, I welcome a conversation about whether it is right for your particular circumstance.

~Dr. Abbas

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