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Archives: April 2022

Gastric Bypass for GERD

Woman struggles with GERD and debates her treatment options including a gastric bypass at MASJax in Jacksonville, FL

Obesity is a leading cause of GERD and related issues, like hiatal hernias. Studies have shown that increased body mass index and excess eating can stress the esophagus. Certain bariatric surgeries can correct GERD, but others can bring it about or worsen existing cases.

The Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedure is the gold standard in eliminating severe and uncontrolled GERD. This is particularly true when comparing it to the gastric band or the gastric sleeve, both of which may cause a small number of patients to experience new or worsened acid reflux. However, it is worth noting that the likelihood of new or worsened GERD after the gastric sleeve is significantly reduced when a hiatal hernia, if present, is identified and correct during surgery.

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Another Reason to Lose Weight and Get Healthier – Your Kids

Grandmother prepares a healthy meal with her daughter and grandsons to promote healthy habits with the whole family after her bariatric surgery at MASJax in Jacksonville, FL

One of the most common reasons our patients consider bariatric surgery is that they want to be around for their kids or grandkids. This is a great reason to get healthy and a noble goal for getting started on a weight loss program. However, a more profound and arguably even more important reason revolves around those same kids. Kids tend to mimic and follow the behaviors and habits that they see from their parents and grandparents.

So yes, while you may get to enjoy your kids more than you do now, you may also be saving them from severe metabolic disease later in life.

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