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Our weight loss surgeons use cutting edge technology to perform innovative bariatric surgeries designed to help patients fight obesity and achieve a healthier life.

Hernia Surgery

Hernias are simply a hole or defect in the wall of the abdominal cavity that allows protrusion of an organ or abdominal content through it. The fascia is a thick layer of tissue that keeps the contents of the abdomen in place. There are certain areas of the abdominal wall which are considered sites of weakness, these are inguinal, femoral and umbilical areas. The groin represents the area where approximately 75% of hernias develop.

Whether due to excess abdominal strain, age, genetics or congenital disorders, this tissue can weaken and intestinal contents may begin to push through. Most commonly, fatty tissue and loops of large intestine may push into, and ultimately become trapped in, the hernia defect.

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Meet Our Team

Our surgical program has a dedicated team to follow you every step of the way. Your multi-disciplinary team includes surgeons, (bariatric) nurses, dietitians, mental health professionals, exercise specialists, bariatric advocates and other medical specialists who offer continuous compassionate support and guidance in a respectful environment.

The focus is to help each patient establish and achieve their goals.

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The Right Way to Use Your Scale After Bariatric Surgery

Person stepping on scale with both feet

The scale could be your best friend or worst enemy after bariatric surgery. Considering all the other measurements at your disposal, the usefulness of your scale depends on how you approach it and how much emphasis you place on your weight.


“I always lived my life hiding behind my weight, but since having surgery I’ve learned to love myself again.
My advice to anyone is to trust the journey.”

Rosa MarteLost a total of 81 lbs via Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy

Ready to achieve a healthier life?
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